Stay strong online!
The video is about digital civil courage. That means being there for each other. And being against hate online. We show examples of how you can help, when someone is being bullied online.
Protect your data
The video is about data protection. Sometimes data is stolen. Then the data thieves can do nasty things. That's why it's important to protect your data.
Participation online
The video is about digital democracy. Democracy means: Everyone can have a say. Everyone can say what they think. Everyone is allowed to express their ideas and opinions.
Play safe!
The video is about computer games. Sometimes games show bad things like violence or mean words. This leads to anger or sad feelings. It is important to be kind to others.
Coding explained
The video is about coding. That means writing computer programs. Coding is like a language for computers. You can use it to create websites or apps. It is important to understand how coding works.
Explore the virtual world
The video is about virtual reality and augmented reality. There is a virtual world. This means it is a world inside the computer. And there is the augmented world. The augmented world is an addition to the real world.
Smart cities
Smart city means: The city makes many things better. It makes people's lives better. And it makes the environment better. And it uses technology to do so.
Stay healthy!
The video is about digitization and health. This means that digital technology can help people and doctors. Doctors can exchange information about sick people more quickly. Doctors can plan better: This is how sick people should be treated.

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