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Digital civil courage

Reading Time: 15 Minutes

The module about digital civil courage includes a video which is enriched with various interactive quiz-formats to support your learning process. After a brief introduction to the topic in informative chapters you receive a valuable impulse to become active yourself in the "action" part of the video. At the end of the module, you can find further links on digital moral courage. Be part of it!

Topic: Digital civil courage
Target Group: Adults accompanying children (9-16 years) such as parents, teachers, educational professionals
Duration: 17:20 min
Format: Interactive educational video in H5P

Stay strong online

Learn more about digital moral courage with this informative video in easy language. An exciting tool for learning scenarios to understand how to act courageously and responsibly in the digital space - for yourself and others!
Competence development
In the video "digital civil courage", you can find out what hate messages are, what you can do about them and whether you can learn moral courage.

In detail you will learn:
what civil courage means in both offline and online,
aspects of civil courage in the digital space,
what hate speech means and the potential dangers like shitstorms, blaming, silencing and doxing that can arise if you defend yourself online,
6 recommended steps with examples of how to react to online hate speech and show civil courage.
  • Keep calm and don't let yourself be provoked
  • Respond quickly, but don't rush
  • Be restrained in your choice of words/capitalization/punctuation
  • Have the courage to answer in more detail if you really have something to say!
  • Don't say that the other person is wrong - but that they have overlooked something
  • Link sources
Results-oriented action in the new media based on solid technical and methodological knowledge,
correctly assess and evaluate facts and problem situations in new media with sound technical and methodological knowledge,
filter essential information from a wide range of information with a critical distance and make conscious decisions,
develop your own sense of the consequences and implications of using new media.
The most important information at a glance
Digital civil courage describes brave, public actions in the digital world with the aim of defending basic democratic values or human rights.
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