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Interactive learning module "Disinformation"

Reading Time: Minutes
When artificial intelligence is used to create false information

Applications based on AI are tools for implementing our creative ideas. This makes them useful per se. Since many of these tools are now easily accessible and simple to use, they are often misused to create false or falsified information.

Interactive learning offer at a glance
Topic: Disinformation in the age of AI
Target group: Adults accompanying children (9-16 years) such as parents, teachers, educational professionals
Time: 23:33 min
Format: Interactive educational video in H5P
Competence development
In the video, you will learn what generative AI systems are, what they have to do with disinformation and how you can promote a critical approach.

Explicitly learn
what AI technology is and what areas of application there are (image and video processing, speech generation, music composition and the creation of texts and works of art),
what generative AI means and how the different areas of application work,
which means prompt,
how generative AI and disinformation are linked and what this means for society,
what challenges there are and how to respond to them appropriately,
Options for conscious and critical handling of generative AI
  • Text-generating AI
  • Image-generating AI
  • Speech-processing AI
  • Video-based AI
results-oriented action in the new media based on solid technical and methodological knowledge,
correctly assess and evaluate facts and problem situations in new media with sound technical and methodological knowledge,
filter essential information from a wide range of information with a critical distance and make conscious decisions,
a sense of the consequences and implications of using new media.
The learning module not only contains a video, but is also supplemented by various small interactive knowledge quizzes that will prepare you for the topic and support your learning. Further in-depth background information, interviews with experts and teaching materials can be found in the topic dossier.
The most important points summarized
Generative AI refers to the technologies used to create new content with the help of AI. This can be text, images, music, art and videos.
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