(2) Teachtoday is an initiative of Deutsche Telekom AG that promotes the safe and competent use of media.
The object and purpose of the service is to promote the safe and competent use of media as well as to support and tailored fostering of each user’s individual skills and competencies in dealing with digital media.
For utilization of the service, personal identification information is required for the user to log in, such as name, address, telephone number, email address as well as details about the user’s education.
The protection of your personal data is very important to Deutsche Telekom. We think it is paramount to inform you about what personal information we collect during your visits to our websites, how we use this information. For more on this please read our privacy protection page.
(4) The following provisions represent the conditions under which Deutsche Telekom provides the service to the user. These conditions apply exclusively to this service. Deutsche Telekom will provide services to the user exclusively on the basis of these conditions.
(5) These conditions concern exclusively this service offered by Deutsche Telekom. The user may at any time view, print, download and save these conditions by using the link provided for this service: “Terms of use.”
(1) Deutsche Telekom enables the user within the framework of the existing technical and operational possibilities to use the service in accordance with these terms and conditions.
(2) Utilization of the service is free of charge.
(3) The user acknowledges that a 100% availability and accessibility of service is impossible to achieve. Deutsche Telekom and the technical service providers do, however, attempt to maintain constant service availability. In particular, maintenance, security, or capacity issues and events that are out of Deutsche Telekom’s control (such as failure of public communication networks, power failures, etc.) can result in brief malfunctions or temporary interruptions of the service or any part thereof. Furthermore, Deutsche Telekom may restrict access to the service if this is required for the security of network operations, maintenance of network integrity as well as the prevention of serious disruptions of the network, the software or stored data.
(4) In case of an update, expansion or modification of the service, the latest version of the service shall be made available to the user.
(5) The user is not entitled to any maintenance of the service in its original form as per the beginning of utilization. The user is not entitled to any attainment of a particular state or functional extent of the service. Deutsche Telekom is instead entitled to discontinue the operation of the service or any part thereof at any time without providing reasons. Claims of the user due to interruption of the service or parts thereof are excluded, as far as such are not expressly in accordance with these conditions.
(6) The utilization of the service is permitted only by means of a commercially available web browser. In as far as the employed Internet browser is set to reject so-called cookies, utilization of the service can be rendered entirely or partially impossible for technical reasons.
(7) Utilization of the service in conjunction with a third-party application by the user with the aim of concealing, changing or misrepresenting the IP address related to the user is prohibited.
(8) The software on the user’s device required to access the Internet in order to utilize the service, in particular the operating system or the Internet browser or other programs, are neither provided nor installed by Deutsche Telekom. Deutsche Telekom offers neither support nor technical assistance for any such required programs. The responsibility for maintaining the functionality of such programs for the purpose of the utilization of the service lies solely with the user. Deutsche Telekom thus also assumes no liability for data loss or other damage caused by the installation or operation of software on the user’s computer, if this is required for the utilization of the services, as far as this software is not provided by the Deutsche Telekom itself.
(9) It is prohibited for the user to employ software that generates an excessive burden on the network reserved for the operation of the service; nor may the user employ software that allows for systematic or automatic control of the service or parts thereof, nor reproduce or carry out analysis of the service or any part thereof or the stored and provided content.
(1) Data, images, texts, graphics, music, sounds, sound effects, videos, computer programs, software code and related content (hereinafter: the content) are provided as part of the service that are protected under copyright, trademark or related law to the benefit of Deutsche Telekom and third parties.
(2) Any form of editing, reproduction, distribution or public presentation of advertising with the content or utilization of the content beyond the agreed purpose of utilization is prohibited. The technical temporary reproduction that is necessary to the utilization for the purpose of browsing is excluded.
(3) Changing, obscuring or eliminating copyright signs or trademarks related to the content is prohibited.
(4) As far as content, goods or trademarks related to third parties are utilized within the service, the utilization by the Deutsche Telekom does not imply any claim to be itself the holder of these rights.
(5) Deutsche Telekom admits the user solely the right to make use of the offered service – a transfer of rights whatsoever to the content is not related to this right and thus excluded.
(6) As far as within the framework of the service, data, images, texts, graphics, music, sounds, sound effects, videos, computer programs, software code and related content that can be uploaded by the user (hereinafter: “user content”) are protected under copyright, trademark, or related law to the benefit of the user or third parties, the user expressly assures their rights for this purpose as well as to be eligible to grant the associated rights to the Deutsche Telekom.
(1) Deutsche Telekom assumes no guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, correct and up to date in every case. This also applies to all websites referenced by a link. Deutsche Telekom is not responsible for the content of a page that is reached via such a link. Deutsche Telekom reserves the right without prior notice to make changes or additions to the provided information or to remove it.
(2) The information provided on this website neither represents an offer to sell nor advertise for the purchase of company shares and should not be the basis for any investment decision. Deutsche Telekom shall in no way be held liable for damages caused by any lack of usable features or data loss in connection with the utilization of documents or information or the provision of services that are accessible on this site.
(3) Aside from information related to the past, there are so-called “forward-looking statements” (statements on the basis of expectations) that can be viewed in documents on this website. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and other factors, on which Deutsche Telekom has often no influence and which can lead to significant deviations of actual results from these statements. These risks and uncertainties and other factors are described in detail in the financial reports that are available on the Deutsche Telekom website. We recommend that visitors to this site do not overvalue these statements based on expectations. Deutsche Telekom has neither the intention nor an obligation to update or revise such statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or other factors.
(1) The user is liable to Deutsche Telekom for any culpable breach of the obligations incumbent on the basis of these terms and conditions.
Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
53113 Bonn
The pages of the service are hosted and technically supervised by:
Helliwood media & education im fjs e.V.
Marchlewskistraße 27
10243 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 2938 1680
Fax: +49 30 2938 1689
Email: info@helliwood.de