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News 10.11.2015

Swiss school introduces a new subject “The Digital Society and its Media”

A school in the Wettingen Canton in Switzerland is the first to introduce a subject on the social significance of digital media. The cantonal school is playing a pioneering role for Switzerland.

In the newly introduced accent subject “The Digital Society and its Media,” students learn to assess online information, inter alia, and to use safe behavior with their own data. While they usually know very well how to use apps and co., when it comes to privacy, copyright and the cost of usage, many first graders have a lot of catching up to do.

Philipp Wampfler wants to change this. He is the cantonal teacher for German and philosophy and senior lecturer at the University of Zurich and an expert on learning with new media.

In the classes, which he will supervise, students get to search online with their smartphones, exchange thoughts over a class website and share their documents over the net. A special YouTube channel will also be created in the near future.

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