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News 20.11.2015

Summit for Kids 2015

Over 150 children came together on November 18th, 2015, in Bonn at the “Summit for Kids” to think about safe and competent use of digital media.

Alongside workshops and activities, the highpoint was revealing the winner of the international competition “Media sure! But secure.” The aim of the summit was to raise children’s awareness of responsible behavior when dealing with digital media. KiKA moderator Tim Schreder led us through the day.

After a light war-up round of “Decision Jumps” from Teachtoday’s Media Obstacle Course and a welcome from Birgit Klesper of Deutsche Telekom, the children got to look at media usage in the contexts of family, school, free time and the big wide world. The children had exciting discussions on these topics in respect to media use in each of these contexts, like: “A week without Internet or phone? No prob!” They crafted colorful collages together with their chosen topic in mind. Afterwards, the children got to present their artworks on stage.

After this workshop phase, the children enjoyed a long awaited moment: the announcement of the winners of the “Media sure! But secure.” contest from Teachtoday. While the event wound down, the children eagerly took the opportunity to snap selfies with moderator Tim Schreder and get autographs – an eventful summit devoted to media competence came to a satisfying end.

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