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News 25.11.2016

Teachtoday launches its web portal in Poland

Teachtoday, an initiative of the Deutsche Telekom AG, promotes safe and competent media use - and does so across national borders.

The portal Teachtoday is already available in German, English and Romanian. With the Polish country portal, Teachtoday now takes one further step internationally.

Digitization of everyday life is a process that extends across languages, and the social web is networking the globe. That’s precisely why promoting media competency among children and adolescents is so important today. Because young people also want to take hold of the potentials the digital world has to offer and to confront its challenges free of fear. Teachtoday’s mission is thus to support children, teens, parents and grandparents as well as educational professionals with practice-oriented materials and tips that pertain to everyday life.

The Polish web portal has grown out of a cooperation with T-Mobile Polska. T-Mobile Polska is engaged nationwide in the areas of culture and education, and it’s expanding its involvement in children’s and youth media education with the new portal.

This year’s project It’s our web! – Das ist unser Netz! – To jest nasza siec! demonstrates what successful media education should look like. It was the second place winner in Teachtoday’s international “Media sure! But secure.” contest. The project was a week-long workshop where German and Polish youngsters got to experiment with digital media.

The Polish web portal is now available at http://www.teachtoday.de/pl/

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