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News 08.05.2015

Safety first – But in a fun way

"We Care" app showcases all of Deutsche Telekom’s social responsibility and sustainability activities. The latest issue looks at data security and Internet crime. Interactively, the users learn how dangerous cyber-attacks can be, and how they can protect themselves against cyber-threats.

As a current study by BITKOM shows, one in two Germans has fallen victim to a cyber-attack in the past. Uncertainty and the need for information grow among users of digital technology.

The app magazine includes a cybercrime challenge, a quiz users can take to see how much they know about cyber-crime and compare their result with friends and family. The issue also features "hacker Olympics" that enable users to explore their personal risk potential and learn about the key security settings that offer protection.

The app is built like an e-magazine and free-of-charge. This is its second issue. The app is suitable for classroom use and other learning environments and is available for Android and iOS devices, including both smartphones and tablet PCs.

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