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News 26.06.2015
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„e-Engagement“ project starts in Macedonia

In a joint effort the „Youth Association“ and the „e-Macedonia Foundation“ have started a new project for young people. With “e-Engagement” adolescents learn how to use their digital skills, innovative ideas and tools to meet all kinds of challenges in their social life.

The wokshops enabled 100 teenagers to become competent and confident users and pass on their knowledge and skills to their peers. Last fall, four workshops took place in Macedonia. Now, twelve additional ones will be held in twelve different cities: Govstivar, Kavadarci, Kumanovo, Kursevo, Struga, Vevcani, Strumica, Gevgelija, Sv. Nikole, Delcevo, Kratovo and Stip.

The project will be wrapped-up with conference in Skopje on 21 November 2015. The most active and committed participants from the workshops will take part in the event and present the results and recommendations.

More information:
Youth alliance

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