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News 26.06.2015

Self-educated into the digital world

A special analysis of the ICILS 2013 study by Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, the foundation of Deutsche Telekom AG, shows: young people are mostly self-educated when it comes to dealing with new technology and digital information.

Adolescents use computers and the internet mostly outside of school and for the most part teach themselves the necessary skills. In Germany, the more adolescents use their computers in their spare time, the more savvy they are. These are the three main results of the special analysis of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS 2013).

“The results show that schools should invest much more in the media competencies of their students”, Professor Wolfgang Schuster, chairman of Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, sums up. “Facing the growing digitalisation it is of the utmost social and political importance to integrate learning about – but mainly with – media into the every-day school life. This would not only lead to a more individualised teaching but also to more educational equality.“

Starting in November 2015 the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung will give an annual overview of the state of digital teaching and learning in Germany with its study „Monitor Digitales lernen“. The study examines how the acquisition of media competencies can be supported and what the requirements of schools regarding technology and content are.

More information:
Deutsche Telekom Stiftung

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