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News 15.07.2015

BBC gives away 1 Mio. microcomputers to British students

BBC gives away 1 Mio. microcomputers to British students

Within its micros:bit initiative BBC is planning to hand out one million microcomputers to all 11-12 year-olds in the UK.

The pocket-sized micro:bit computer teaches children how to code and develop their own apps. In doing this, the device uses a low-key approach. Within seconds students are able to make the LEDs on the board of the tiny computer light-up, says BBC.

Production of the device will start in September. This ensures that the goal of giving away one million computers until the end of year will be met. All students of the seventh grade in the UK will receive a micro:bit. Educational initiatives and tech-related NGOs support the schools and give them advice.

Back in the 1980s BBC developed their own personal computer and introduced the British public to the new technology. The broadcaster understands initiatives like this to be a part of their educational mandate.

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