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News 30.04.2024

AI and automation increasingly accepted in the media industry

How does the growing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in the media industry affect recipients and what implications does this have for young people? A recent study provides fascinating insights and shows how important it is to use these technologies responsibly.

The NRW Media Authority has published a comprehensive study on the acceptance of process automation and artificial intelligence in the media industry. The results show that almost all respondents already use technologies based on AI or automation processes in their everyday work. Of particular interest is the high acceptance of AI-generated content among users, who are often no longer able to distinguish between content created by humans or machines. This raises important questions regarding the transparency and labeling of such content.

For young people, this means a media landscape in which AI is playing an increasingly important role. It is therefore all the more important that they learn to deal critically with information and question the origin and creation of media content. The study emphasizes the need for clear labelling requirements and further regulations to ensure the credibility and quality of the media. Educational institutions and parents play a key role in preparing young people for this new reality and empowering them to deal responsibly with AI-generated content.

Our latest feature on Disinformation provides you with information on the influence of AI-generated content in the creation and dissemination of fake news. The feature about Artificial Intelligence takes a closer look at the common applications of text- and image-generating AI in order to promote responsible use of new technologies by young people. Use our content, which includes informative interviews, background articles, project ideas for the classroom or after-school care and much more, to help young people overcome the challenges of digital technologies.

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