Lots of people, lots of merchandise, countless drinks cups and much more. - Can a major event also be a sustainable event? The detectives asked.
Equipped with microphones and mini cameras, our four sustainability detectives Frieda, Tilda, Matti and Mika were out and about at the soccer fan mile in Berlin, right next to the Federal Chancellery, on June 19. Despite the rain, the detectives collected lots of impressions and found out about sustainability at such major events.
Public Viewing in Berlin
And this is what the detectives found out at the UEFA Fan Zone: Due to its central location, getting to the Fan Zone is very sustainable, as it is easily accessible by public transport. Another positive aspect was that there were water dispensers that could reduce the use of disposable bottles. What else did the detectives find out and which sustainability aspects were given a red, yellow or green card by the detectives? Watch the video for the answers.
The sustainability detectives also gained interesting impressions in the Telekom Fan World, which is located on the grounds of the UEFA Fan Zone. The video story also tells of the exciting things they were able to try out and experience there.
The sustainability detectives also gained interesting impressions in the Telekom Fan World, which is located on the grounds of the UEFA Fan Zone. The video story also tells of the exciting things they were able to try out and experience there.
Telekom Fan World
The Telekom Fan World: The futuristic building is an exclusive exhibition space and will be illuminated in magenta via LED lighting during the four-week tournament. On the first floor, fans can take virtual selfies and video snippets with up to four players from the German team. A virtual goal wall competition also tests timing, skill and speed in the hunt for high scores. The core of the Telekom Fan World is the XR Experience (Extended Reality). Here, fans immerse themselves in an immersive virtual experience and experience a seamless link between the real and virtual worlds.

The highlight of their visit to Telekom Fan World was the opportunity for the detectives to talk to three very special interview partners: Hertha BSC footballer Fabian Reese and the soccer influencer duo "GurkBrothers" explained to the detectives how they personally live sustainability both professionally and privately. Both interviews will soon be available as an extra feature here in our Sustainability Challenge video magazine.
Read more in "Eurpean Football Championchip 2024"

Interview with the GURK Brothers

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