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Interview with Fabian Reese

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"We only have one world. You can see that we have to do something." - These were some of the important words from professional footballer Fabian Reese, who the sustainability detectives were able to meet at Telekom Fan World.

The tension was great, the excitement almost unbearable - Matti and Frieda had the opportunity to sit on the Telekom Magenta TV couch with Hertha BSC footballer Fabian Reese and ask him questions about his environmental awareness.

Interview with Hertha BSC footballer Fabian Reese

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In the interview, Fabian Reese emphasized the importance of sustainability in both his personal and professional life. He explained that many people tend to own too many things and that it is important to give some of them away more often. As an example, he said that he regularly sells items he no longer needs at the flea market. He also uses his soccer shirts more than once and wears them again at the next game. He also prefers cycling to driving in order to reduce his ecological footprint.
Did you know?
The topic of sustainability will also receive a great deal of attention within the UEFA EURO 2024 cultural program. As part of the "Green your Game" project, school classes can register for a simulation game in which they learn about production and distribution factors using the example of sports textiles - from the conditions of production to advertising by influencers.
Fabian Reese also drew an interesting parallel between sustainability and sport: "Sustainability in soccer is like a marathon. We are currently at kilometer 8." His point was that there is still a long way to go, but every small step in the right direction helps. He concluded by emphasizing that doing nothing is the worst option and that everyone can make a difference, even if it is only a small step. This interview offers valuable insights into how top athletes can also contribute to environmental protection.
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