From top to bottom, from left to right: Scroll through exciting themes and stories about smartphones, the Internet and co. Explore the world of digital media with the new children’s magazine SCROLLER!
This issue is above all about getting your very first own cell phone. You probably already know lots about what you can do with a mobile phone. And maybe you already know some things that need careful attention. We want to show you how your phone can be even more fun and what to do if you have questions.
The media magazine

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Grab the complete first issue with plenty to read – of course it’s free for you and your friends. Want to order one? Talk to your parents and have them send us an email via the contact form.
SCROLLER - The media magazine
Visit the protected children’s site from Teachtoday to check out SCROLLER together with your child or children.
Here you can download the media magazine as a PDF and read the issue on your computer or print it out.
SCROLLER - The media magazine for children
From top to bottom, from left to right: scroll you through exciting themes and stories about smartphones, the Internet and co. Explore the world of di ...
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Do you know how to protect your private information? With Teachtoday's tips for data privacy you'll be on the right track to becoming a data expert.
Tips for children
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