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SCROLLER - Data, tracks, security

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Now: The latest edition of the SCROLLER in English.
The third English-language edition of SCROLLER revolves around privacy. How can I protect the most personal data and what are strong passwords actually for? – Kids can read all about it in the new SCROLLER.

The media magazine

Read online here!

Many grown-ups are themselves stumped when it comes to how they can and should protect their privacy online. This is why kids get helpful tips and offers in the new English language version of SCROLLER to learn the best way to safely handle their personal data.


Here you can download the media magazine as a PDF and read the issue on your computer or print it out.

SCROLLER - Data, tracks, security

How can I protect the most personal data and what are strong passwords actually for? In the new issue of SCROLLER, youngsters can get helpful tips and ...
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