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Smart home, smart future?

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Smart heating and sustainable living even without expensive technology

Sustainability detectives Yuri and Sophia visited Design Calliope GmbH and spoke to Amando Pascotto about what the future of living and energy saving could look like.

In this interview, Amando Pascotto explains what a smart home is and how intelligent computer controls can be used to use energy efficiently. But it doesn't always have to be expensive technology. Amando uses the example of a microcontroller to show the sustainability detectives how existing things can also be used to save energy and turn any house into a smart home.
Schon gewusst?
A smart home is a house in which many devices are connected to each other and can be controlled via the internet. This makes life easier and saves energy. For example, you can control the light, heating and even the fridge with your cell phone.

A numerical example: A smart home can save up to 30% energy because the appliances work more efficiently.
For example, you can install a smart light bulb that switches off automatically when no one is in the room. This saves electricity and is good for the environment.
AI technology and climate protection? Sustainability in everyday digital life? The sustainability detectives investigated other important questions and interviewed experts. The results are available in the following videos. Simply click on “Read more” below.
Read more in "Sustainability detectives"
/mediabase/img/cache/7556_740x740.jpg The sustainability detectives on tour. They go in search of clues and ask experts how you can do something for climate protection in everyday digital life. Overview
/mediabase/img/cache/7565_740x740.jpg Can AI technology do something for climate protection? Detective Isabella wants to find out and sends the sustainability detectives on a search for clues. Episode 1: AI technology for climate protection?

Interview 1: AI technology for climate protection?

Episode 2: Smart home, smarte future?


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