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Smart home, smart future?

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The future of living - digital, smart, more efficient?

Detective Isabella asks herself the question: Which digital technologies help with sustainable living? She sends detectives Juri and Sophia on a search for clues to an expert in microcontrollers, and they find out some amazing things.

A home that thinks for itself, controlled by apps, sensors and clever technology - does this exist and does it really save energy and protect the environment? The sustainability detectives find out more in an interview with expert Amando Pascotto.

Every house a smart home?

The sustainability detectives visited Design Calliope GmbH and spoke to Amando Pascotto about what the future of living and energy saving could look like.

AI and environmental protection? Sustainability in everyday digital life? Detective Isabella wants to get to the bottom of other important questions. That's why she sends the sustainability detectives on another search for clues. They spoke to other experts. The results can be found in the following videos. Simply click on “Read more” below.

Read more in "Sustanaibility detectives"
/mediabase/img/cache/7556_740x740.jpg The sustainability detectives on tour. They go in search of clues and ask experts how you can do something for climate protection in everyday digital life. Overview
/mediabase/img/cache/7565_740x740.jpg Can AI technology do something for climate protection? Detective Isabella wants to find out and sends the sustainability detectives on a search for clues. Episode 1: AI technology for climate protection?

Interview 1: AI technology for climate protection?

Interview 2: Smart home, smart future?


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