Digital civil courage: Interactive learning module
Find out about hate speech, what you can do about it and whether you are able to learn how to stand up for others in the digital space in our interactive module "digital civil courage"
We need digital moral courage
In the anonymity of the digital world, it is important to support those affected by hostility.
My responsibility on the net!?
Standards and values, as we know and live them offline are often ignored on the net.
When does cyberbullying start?
Cyberbullying has become an important topic in schools and families, because more and more children and adolescents are affected.
Hate speech on the Internet
Hate speech can affect anyone. It can be directed against individuals or entire groups.
Project idea: The Internet – my mask
On the basis of exemplary excerpts from chats, the children work out how the Internet affects individual communication behavior.
Project idea: Word wash
With the project idea Wordwashing, young people reflect on their digital commentary world.
Podcast: Digital Civility
Deutsche Telekom's podcast series for anyone who wants to know more about Digital Civility.


This way to Teachtoday’s tips for kids with their first cell phone.
Tips for children
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