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Questions and Answers

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Every week in the schoolyard, kids hear about some new app – a totally must have. And it’s not rare for these apps to have functions that leave adults scratching their heads. Questions pop up left and right. How should one deal with in-app purchases, for instance?
So you’re ready with the right response when your children or your students come to you about such things, we’ve put together some frequently asked questions and their answers.

Do you still have a question that you couldn’t find among our FAQs? Send it to us. Either via email directly to contact@teachtoday.de or via our social media channels.
Many apps are free of charge. Hardly any apps cost more than a few euros. So, of course, this begs the question: How did providers of game apps manage to sell 315 million euros in the first half of 2015? According to the German Federal Association of Interactive Entertainment Software (Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware, or BIU) purchases of apps were down by 17 percent in 2015 as compared to the previous year; however, games apps posted revenue growth of 31 percent. The reason: in-app purchases! These are called micro-transactions and they increased by 36 percent in 2015. Of the 315 million Euro turnover with games apps, 295 million euros were accounted for by in-app purchases. Overall, games apps are the powerhouses of the industry. 85 percent of revenue made with apps worldwide are due to games.
You ask, Teachtoday answers!

Do you have a question about apps that hasn’t been answered here so far? Then ask us! You can do this via our contact form or on our social media feed.

Read more in Teachtoday’s “App Advisor”
/mediabase/img/4445.jpg For smartphones and tablets, apps offer many practical services; the small programs have really stirred up the entertainment market for adults and children. Background
/mediabase/img/4735.png For the developmental psychologist, Jean Piaget, playing was “work for children.” Children strengthen important skills such as creativity and teamwork. Graphic: “How games apps work”

Interview: “Apps offer lots of opportunities”

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This way to Teachtoday’s tips for kids with their first cell phone.
Tips for children

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