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Everyday Privacy

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The infographic “Data Source: User” offers an easily understandable overview of where data in the digital world comes from and how it’s collected.
Our personal data is actually a valuable asset, which gets stored and evaluated with every digital action.

Data doesn’t just come from what we are asked to enter online... It also comes from tracking in the background. So, it’s easy for you to lose track of how many providers are collecting information about you. With a watchful eye and a few simple tricks, however, you can take back control of your personal information right away.

Infographic Data source

The digital world is a huge flow of data. But data doesn’t just flow anywhere. It’s collected by online retailers, banks, insurance companies and stat ...
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Read more in the "Data privacy" dossier
/mediabase/img/3384.jpg The various sections of this dossier provide a descriptive overview as well as practical assistance in the everyday use of digital media. Background
/mediabase/img/3371.jpg Teachtoday spoke with Martin Vietz about the value of personal data and how important daily dealings with data protection are for children to grow up in safety. Interview: Data do not expire

Password Check

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