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(Not) without my mobile!?

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Openness for change and communication | 13-15 years | 1 week
Finally time again

Music player, game console, communication device: Mobile phones are the constant companions in the everyday life of young people. Always knowing what's going on, replying to every message, constantly skimming through the news feed. It’s fast paced. And no matter where you are, – you’re right there. Is it only fun or does it lead to early life stress?
For this project idea, young people reflect on their mobile phone use in everyday life. Over a period of one week, they keep a diary or blog in which they record when they use their mobile phone and for what purpose. The diary will help show them what role digital communication plays in their daily routines and how much attention it requires. Afterwards, the participants start a week with a gradual reduction of mobile phone use, cutting down the time they spend and the tasks they use it for.
The aim is to sensitize young people to how the use of mobile phones influences their everyday lives. In the reflection phase, they consider how exactly the mobile phone is involved in their individual everyday tasks and routines. This goes hand in hand with reflection and, in a further step, they test what it means to do without their mobile phone. On the basis of this reflection and the experience gained, other perspectives on their own daily lives can emerge – on communication via digital media, on the value of, for example, listening, personal conversations, having and keeping secrets, orientation and surroundings, etc.
Project procedure

At the beginning, the class decides together whether all participants are willing to take part in the “mobile fasting” project and to discuss their personal phone habits openly in the form of a mobile diary in the class. In addition, it is agreed how long the mobile phone fasting should take place. It is advisable that the fast last for several days (ideally 1 week) with a gradual reduction in mobile phone use. It is important that all participants agree to the time period.

In the first phase of the project, the participants start by reflecting on their mobile phone usage habits. They keep a kind of diary in which they regularly write down when, on what occasions, how often and why they use it. They also record in the diary which tasks, hobbies, activities they like to do in addition to using their mobile phone.

The next step in the process is the agreed “fasting time,” which begins with a gradual reduction of mobile phone use. At the end of the fasting week, every young person should have managed for at least two days without using any mobile phone at all.

Each participant keeps a diary for one week in which they record when, for how long and for what purpose they use their mobile phone in their daily routines. In addition, everyone notes their favorite hobbies or activities.
Record of results: Mobile use diary
Social form: Individual work
The participants bring their mobile phone diary to class. In group work they trade notes, cluster them and then evaluate them together.
Afterwards, the participants brainstorm together about how regular mobile phone use can be gradually reduced.

Tip: To facilitate the step-by-step reduction, and for clarity, a color system with three difficulty levels can help: green, yellow & red The results are recorded in the fasting part of the mobile diary.
Record of results: Fast Diary
Social form: Group work
The participants then attempt to fast from their phones, all the while encouraged by their prior reflections on the task. During the fast, the participants again record their results in their diaries: for example, when and for how long they were able to go without and what activities they did instead. They also note the feelings they had and observations they made while fasting from their phones.
Record of results: Fast Diary
Social form: Individual work
After the end of the mobile phone fasting, the participants write a short evaluation of the experience in their diary. Here are some sample questions to help with the evaluation:

- Did you find it hard to go without?
- Which sacrifice did you find most difficult?
- What did you miss?
- Have you noticed positive changes (more time for other things, new or old hobbies, more personal conversations)?
- Do you think you'll reduce your mobile use from now on?

The young people discuss the evaluation together in the learning group.
Record of results: Ergebnisblatt „Handyfasten“
Social form: Individual/group work
Project conclusion

The “Mobile Fasting” project can also be carried out for a shorter or longer period of time. It is also possible to transfer the idea of “fasting” to other media, such as television or video games.


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