Knowledge transfer of the future
Discover Egyptian history in a virtual environment with the help of VR glasses? Learning languages - no matter where you are? Learning with digital media can make knowledge experienceable in a different way.
In the project idea, young people discuss whether and how digital devices can be used as tools for the learning process. With the help of an exemplary application, the young people work out what advantages and disadvantages digital devices have for learning. At the same time, they reflect on how to learn through play, but also how to play while learning.

The aim is to work out with the young people how everyday leisure and learning has changed as a result of digital media. This should be accompanied by considerations of which digital media are used for both playing and learning, and how digital devices can meaningfully support experiencing and learning new things.
The young people
reflect on which digital devices they use and also learn with them
consider how learning can take place with digital devices in the future, what advantages and disadvantages it can have
grasp which media they use for playing and for learning
The young people
reflect on what digital devices they use and learn with them
consider how learning can take place with digital devices in the future, what advantages and disadvantages it can have
record which media they use for playing and for learning
The young people
work together to build VR goggles
transfer from the example of VR technology how digital media can be integrated for the learning process
apply the knowledge gained to other digital media they use in everyday life.
The young people
work in groups to create an overview of the devices they use for playing and learning
exchange ideas about individual examples of playing and learning with digital devices
discuss advantages and disadvantages of future learning with digital devices
The young people
reflect on their individual use of digital devices for playing and learning
document and evaluate the results of group work
draw conclusions for their own learning process
Project procedure
For a practical introduction to the topic, the young people begin by making VR glasses in groups (depending on the size of the class). At the same time, they use impulse questions to collect information about the digital devices they regularly use for playing games or learning. In a second phase, the young people try out the VR glasses with an app and use this to discuss how knowledge and learning content can be conveyed with the help of digital media.
ivide the class into several groups. Using the VR goggles template (see further information), one part of each group makes the VR goggles. The other part discusses the following impulse questions and records the answers in writing:
- Which digital devices do you use regularly?
- Which of them do you have/use in your children's room?
- What do you do with the digital devices?
- Which devices do you also use as learning tools?
- How do you learn with digital devices?
- Which digital devices do you use regularly?
- Which of them do you have/use in your children's room?
- What do you do with the digital devices?
- Which devices do you also use as learning tools?
- How do you learn with digital devices?
Securing results: VR glasses, worksheet
Social form: group work
Social form: group work
The young people first evaluate the answers to the impulse questions together in the class and record the results on the board. Afterwards, the young people install the Google Expeditions app on a cell phone and download the VR app on Egypt or on the journey into the brain, for example (see further information). They take turns looking through the VR goggles and observing how this technology conveys and vividly presents content and information. They record their impressions on a worksheet.
Securing results: blackboard picture
Social form: Group work
Social form: Group work
The observations made in the groups are now discussed and evaluated together in the class. The results can be recorded on the board as an overview. Different opinions or strong deviations from group to group can be discussed.
Securing results: blackboard picture
Social form: Group work
Social form: Group work
After the exemplary application of VR technology, the young people first discuss again in groups with the help of the following impulse questions how they assess the general use of digital devices as learning tools.
- Do you think that digital devices can be used for learning in a meaningful way?
- How do you envision this?
- Will digital devices make learning more and more at home?
- Can you imagine digital technology helping to grasp learning content more quickly and easily?
- What are the prerequisites for this?
- Can digital games also contribute to learning?
- Do you think that digital devices will replace schools as learning tools in the future?
The results of the group work will be discussed together afterwards.
- Do you think that digital devices can be used for learning in a meaningful way?
- How do you envision this?
- Will digital devices make learning more and more at home?
- Can you imagine digital technology helping to grasp learning content more quickly and easily?
- What are the prerequisites for this?
- Can digital games also contribute to learning?
- Do you think that digital devices will replace schools as learning tools in the future?
The results of the group work will be discussed together afterwards.
Securing results: worksheet, blackboard picture
Social form: group work, plenary
Social form: group work, plenary
Project summary
The project can also be carried out using other digital devices and applied variably to different subjects.
More in our “Digital nursery” dossier


This way to Teachtoday’s tips for kids with their first cell phone.
Tips for children
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