The flood of new devices, digital technologies and forms of use can be distressing for children and adolescents as well as parents. Educational professionals therefore mainly have two tasks: They can help parents to reduce existing distress regarding the use of the media with advice and by providing information. Among children and adolescents, they can raise awareness of dealing with media.

The following tips help professionals to meet their role as a consultant for parents and at the same time to fullfil their function to impart knowledge.
Mobile phones can be found in almost every school backpack nowadays. Take advantage of this fact and actively discuss phone use times and breaks with your learning group, for example with the project idea of crafting phone cases. This enables you to get unnecessary discussions out of the way and avoid trouble.
Phone used during class: after the third offence, the phone is now on the teacher’s desk. But everybody knew the rule! Set clear rules with your learning group as to when phones may be used in class for a purpose and when they have to stay in the pocket.
15 percent of adults do not deal with the use of media. An important task of educational professionals is therefore to raise awareness of the issue among parents and to interact with them.
The content on mobile phones is a private matter and should be considered only in exceptional cases or if the children choose show you. Use these principles to address the issue of privacy and to reflect on it together with your learning group.
In many areas, educational staff have knowledge and experiences, which can also help them with cell phone use. For example, how to deal with the flood of information and communication so that one is not distracted by every single phone call. Take advantage of this wealth of experience to sensitize children at an early stage for such stumbling blocks in cell phone usage.
Read more in our dossier “Mobile Guide”

Cell phone cover

Cell phone covers are convenient and can be made very easily even by children and parents together.
To the instructions on the children’s page of Teachtoday
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