Social media has become an integral part of our lives. We enjoy sharing joy, success and important moments in our lives with friends, family and colleagues via platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. However, one area where the digital world requires special consideration is 'sharenting' - sharing content about our children on social media.
While sharing stories, photos and experiences about our children is a way of sharing our joy of their development, it also entails serious issues and concerns. As teachers and educators, we have a special responsibility to protect not only our own children, but also the students whose development and privacy are entrusted to us, and to promote safe and competent media use.The following video from Deutsche Telekom's campaign against online hate highlights the topic in an emotional way and makes it clear how difficult dealing with the issue of "sharenting" can be for both parents and children.
Deutsche Telekom - A Message from Ella | Without Consent
For the reasons mentioned above, it is particularly important to integrate the topic into the classroom. The following project idea "Network Debate" from Deutsche Telekom's Teachtoday initiative offers an opportunity to bring the topic of sharenting into your classroom in the form of a debate. The material is not linked to a specific topic and can therefore be carried out on the subject of sharenting without any problems.
Net duel
Young people discuss a socially relevant topic in the chat and represent opinions assigned to them. They learn the mechanisms and rules of online debates and discuss how it is possible to live well together online.

If you would like to delve deeper into the topic, we also offer you a background article that you can of course use with your class.
The balance between sharing an protecting
The article shows that with the appropriate precautions and responsible behavior, it is possible to share precious moments of children's lives while protecting their privacy and safety in the digital world.

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