Children and adolescents don’t use platforms like Facebook so much anymore. They no longer regularly maintain their profiles, partly because adults that they know are also active on Facebook. Live streaming, however, is new and exciting to them. This quick check offers an overview of how live streaming is used and the risks that accompany it.
Whoever has a YouTube channel can also use YouTube Live to post their own live stream online. Other YouTube users can participate, comment and rate the streams.
Especially children and young people sometimes reveal a lot about themselves to appear more interesting to viewers and to get more likes and fans. But live streaming runs the risk of violating others’ rights. So children and adolescents have to remember: It all goes live. There is no way to undo or edit what is already said or done. It’s all the more important, therefore, that adults keep an eye on what offers children and adolescents are using, to check if they are sharing things about themselves on a live stream and with whom.


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