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First mobile phone

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When is my child ready for the first mobile phone?

For many children, the first mobile phone is a significant step into the world of digital communication. Parents wonder when the right time for this is. The answer depends less on age and more on individual factors related to the child: responsibility, media literacy, and actual need play a crucial role.

According to recent studies, most children in Europe receive their first mobile phone at around ten years old. For some children, having a phone earlier can be beneficial, for example, for better accessibility on the way to school. Others may use it later when they become more independent. It is important that the usage fits into the family’s daily routine and that rules regarding media use are clearly defined. Agreements about which content is allowed and when the phone can be used help avoid conflicts.

A media usage contract can facilitate the introduction to mobile phone use. In this agreement, parents and children can jointly formulate fixed rules and goals. Importantly, if children discuss the rules or suggest adjustments, it often indicates that they are actively engaging with the responsibilities and limits. This provides a good foundation for healthy and conscious media behavior.

You can also install youth protection software on your child's smartphone. These programs protect children and adolescents from content that is not age-appropriate. We recommend the free software from JusProg.
Frequently asked questions:
The right age depends on individual factors. Check whether your child can use the cell phone responsibly and really needs it in everyday life, e.g. for the way to school or to contact you. Depending on a child's level of maturity and development, an age between 11 and 12 is recommended.
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Parental Guide

The parental guide for parents with information and answers for safe guidance of their children to promote media literacy.
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