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Dangers on the internet

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Pornography, hate, and violence – how can I protect my child?

The internet offers many opportunities for children but also poses risks. Particularly problematic are content that is not age-appropriate, such as violence, pornography, or extremist messages. Parents often wonder how they can protect their children without stifling their curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

More than half of adolescents have encountered inappropriate content online, including violence or pornographic material. Such experiences can deeply unsettle young people, making it all the more important to recognize dangers early and take adequate preventive measures.
Dangers are:
Adults pretend to be peers to build trust and manipulate children. The goal is often to coerce intimate pictures or personal meetings.
To ensure your child has positive experiences online, teamwork and know-how are essential! Here are our tips for you:
Technical Protective Measures
Use filtering programs and youth protection software, such as JusProg, to block inappropriate content. Activate parental controls on devices, apps, and streaming services. Create strong, individual passwords together. Keep operating systems and apps updated to close security gaps, and disable unwanted in-app purchases in the app settings.
Help with Problems
Contact counseling services for professional support if needed. Seek help from school psychologists or social workers if issues like cyberbullying arise. Use reporting and blocking features on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or WhatsApp to remove inappropriate content. In severe cases like sextortion or cyberbullying, you may involve the police or lawyers.
Together Against Dangers
Use media together with your child by watching movies, playing games, or exploring the internet. Pay attention to USK and FSK ratings for games and films to choose age-appropriate content. An established method to prevent negative experiences together is a media usage contract. This regulates screen times and allowed content. Use the Teachtoday mobile phone agreement for this purpose.
Set up youth protection settings and use child and youth profiles. Extensive assistance on how to set up protective measures for each device can be found on the BSI security tips site.
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Use our infographic to discuss data security with your child.

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The digital world is a huge flow of data. But data doesn’t just flow anywhere. It’s collected by online retailers, banks, insurance companies and stat ...
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